Poster Writing Rules

  • Institution and congress logos can be on the right or left corner of the poster.
  • Posters will be prepared in 70 x 100 cm dimension.
  • Title of the poster should be written in bold with a font size of 48 points (or slightly larger). Title of the poster should not exceed two lines.
  • Author name(s) should be written in bold and 36 font size (or slightly larger).
  • Author address(s) should be written in bold and 36 font size (or slightly larger).
  • Name, surname, address of all authors should be highlighted and name of the participant who present the poster should be underlined.
  • Text heading should be written in bold and 24 font size (or slightly larger).
  • Text should be written in 24 points font size (or slightly larger).
  • Turkish and English abstracts should be necessarily included in the poster.
  • Abstracts should be included “Amaç/Aim”, “Gereçler ve Yöntemler/Materials and Methods”, or “Olgu Tanımlanması/Case Description”, “Bulgular/Results” “Sonuç/Conclusion” headings for research and case report.
  • References should be cited by name, year and included in bibliography section. Resources must be given in order of transition.